Monday, 31 October 2011

Positively Pink’s 2011 screening campaign closes on a High

Written by David Donaldson from Medicare Nursing Services.
Positively Pink in conjunction with its sponsors see this year’s Free Breast screening programme come to an end on Thursday 27th October 2011.
2011 has seen the 1st Gold Standard screening programme here on the Costa del Sol, this has been possible with the support of the sponsors and the dedication of Dr Deardon of the British Surgical Clinical and the Nurses at Clinica Medicare in La Cala, who have given their time free of charge to the charity and this worthwhile cause.
The uniqueness of this year’s screening programme ensures that all 418 women who have attended have accessed a comprehensive screening process that has included a consultation, physical examination and health education as well as a mammogram or ultrasound or in some cases both. This has been provided to all of these ladies completely free of charge and the direct costs for the mammograms and ultrasounds have been met by Positively Pink.
Lorraine Palmer the founder of Positively Pink, the Mijas based charity is dedicated to raising the funds to ensure that she can continue to offer a free screening programme in the years to come. Her amazing energy and passion for this charity is driven by her belief that “Prevention and early detection” is essential in combating this horrible disease.
1 in 9 women will be affected by Breast Cancer in their lifetime and advances in medicine means that more and more women are surviving and beating this disease. This is why early detection and education is essential.
Lorraine’s wish is that Positively Pink could provide the free breast screening all year, but the length of the programme is dictated by the funds available to the charity. The main fundraising event is held every October at the fabulous El Oceano Hotel and this year’s Pink Ball was as always an amazing evening. Lorraine and her supporters managed to raise €14,000 in just 4 hours... an incredible achievement in the current financial climate.
Clinica Medicare and Medilink in conjunction with its preferred partners have compiled a comprehensive brochure titled “What every women needs to know” this is your free guide to breast self examination and this will be available to all ladies throughout the year and can be collected from Clinica Medicare in La Cala. Self examination should be a key part of a women’s monthly routine, you need to know what feels normal for you and when to seek further advice, 8 out of 10 breast lumps are found by women themselves.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported this years Free Screening programme but in particular a big Thank you to the British Surgical Clinic, Dr Deardon, Clinica Medicare, Gavin, Bridget & Karen and to the Hospital Group and Medilink for their sponsorship.

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